5 Reasons to Try #DryJanuary

Post holiday season celebrations, you may find yourself feeling in need of a detox. If you’re anything like me, then you’ve been over-eating and over-drinking since Thanksgiving. But…’twas the holiday season! Now…it’s January 1st. Are you ready to dry #DryJanuary?!

Let’s start…

Choose Your Inspiration…

Maybe you want to generally detox or maybe you want to reach your fitness goals or just lose a few pounds. Finding your reason will make the difference when you’re out with friends and trying to maintain sobriety. Once you have your “Why”, you are ready to body this challenge!


What are the Benefits of #DryJanuary?

1. Better Sleep & Energy

Sometimes it seems like we sleep better with a little drank, but in fact studies have proven that all the way wrong. Also, when you are getting a sober nights sleep – you have less chance to skip your workout the next day because of a hangover.

2. Improved Skin

A night of drinking can leave us looking puffy and dry. Imagine 30 days of none of that!

3. Productivity Boost

You can party all night with friends and then not have to battle a hangover the next day. Imagine all the productive things you can get done!

4. Healthier Immune System

No matter how we beautify a cocktail and age a fine wine, alcohol is technically a toxin. As we know, toxins can ravage our bodies and immune systems over tome. Giving your body a rest (more than a month) can work wonders over time!

5. Possible Weight Loss

Just look at these findings!

There it is my friend! And I know it’s January 1st, but I’m actually starting January 2nd. Let’s do this!

Posted in BLOG, LIFE, WELLNESS Tagged with: , ,


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