5 Immune Boosting Foods & Supplements I Take Daily

I hope you are all well and staying safe.

Now,  I am no doctor… but my holistic/vegan lifestyle has put me on to natural ways to stay healthy and build up my immune system. I will say that some of these take time to help your body get to where it needs to be, which makes sense. “Wonder Pills” by prescription can work overnight, but can also compromise a long list of other body functions – not to mention, they usually never get to the root of the problem. As a quick fix for pain, I get it – but, not for long term. For example, if you have eczema – a doctor might prescribe a steroid cream to rid you of the unsightly rash, but it won’t solve why you get the eczema. The appearance of eczema is your body asking for help, in my opinion, and the rash will only go on to become another symptom of your body asking for help. I prefer the holistic approach, which gets to the root of the problem even if it takes more time.

Considering that we are facing a pandemic, strengthening our immune system can be very beneficial and even crucial. I’m pretty sure I experienced Coronavirus las week with cold/flu symptoms that resulted in me losing my sense of taste and smell for 6 days. I believe that the natural ingredients I use daily allowed me tot experience mild symptoms. Again, I am no doctor – just saying what I believe works for me,

Here are some tried and true natural foods and supplements to help your body during these challenging times.

*Consult with your physician before implementing.


There are SO many noted benefits of consuming raw garlic for many generations throughout the world! I consume at least 2-6 whole cloves of garlic daily for its antimicrobial, anti fungal and antibacterial benefits. Don’t eat them alone – they will burn! I just crush them up into a salad dressing, avocado, hummus, pasta,  salad or throw in when blending a raw soup! While you’re eating it to build up your immune system, your garlic breath will also keep haters away!

Need more information? Well…According to HealthLine.Com it may:

Combat Sickness – including the Common Cold.

The Active Compounds in Garlic Can Reduce Blood Pressure.

Improve Cholesterol Levels, Which May Lower the Risk of Heart Disease.

Contain Antioxidants That May Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia

Help Detoxify Heavy Metals in the Body

According to MedicalNewsToday.Com:

“Examples of some scientific studies published in peer-reviewed academic journals about the therapeutic benefits (or not) of garlic… People who ate raw garlic at least twice a week during the 7 year study period had a 44 percent lower risk of developing lung cancer, according to a study conducted at the Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention in China.”



You know I am a huge fan of lemons, all day. I start my morning with lemon water everyday, but I also squeeze lemons on salad, tea and even on roasted vegetables. They help control your weight and prevent kidney stones, but also their Vitamin C content is worth noting!

According to HealthLine.Com, Lemons support…

Heart Health

Lemons are a good source of vitamin C.

One lemon provides about 31 mg of vitamin C, which is 51% of the reference daily intake (RDI).

Research shows that eating fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C reduces your risk of heart disease and stroke 

The fiber and plant compounds in lemons could also significantly lower some risk factors for heart disease 

Plant compounds found in lemons have also been found to lower cholesterol


3.  ZINC

According tot MedicalMedium, most people are severely zinc deficient which leads to all kinds of ailments but also allows virus’ to invade our bodies. I highly recommend you read his site or better yet – get his books!

Here’s a little snippet…

Zinc is one of the most important resources to fight viruses such as Epstein-Barr (EBV), shingles, herpes simplex, citomegalovirus, and more. The body uses up supplies and even deep reserves of zinc at a rapid rate. It’s very common to become zinc-deficient when you have a virus, which most people do, if you weren’t already deficient. Zinc kills viral cells and lowers inflammatory reactions to neurotoxins produced by viruses in the herpes family, including EBV, shingles, and more.”

I currently take Global Healing Centers Zinc in liquid form and it’s super easy on the taste buds. When you start feeling sick, you can do a “Zinc Shock Therapy” created by Medical Medium, which helps to stop sickness in its tracks!



I love spice any way I can get it! If it’s not with Trini Pepper Sauce, I will throw on red pepper flakes or cayenne! Cayenne not only speeds up your metabolism, but it also has a slew of other medicinal benefits…like:

Clears Congestion

Resists Harmful Organisms

Headache Remedy

Digestive Aid

Detox Support

& More!

I enjoy sprinkling it on avocado slices, soup, salad…anything!



Oregano is such a powerful herb and even more so in this concentrated oil form. Some of it’s benefits according to HealthLine.Com are:

Natural Antibiotic.

May Help Lower Cholesterol.

Powerful Antioxidant.

Could Help Treat Yeast Infections.

May Improve Gut Health.

May Have Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Could Help Relieve Pain.

May Have Cancer-Fighting Properties.

I like tot throw a dropperful in my Tumeric Ginger Shots daily. If I don’t have ingredients for the shot, I will put it in a shot of juice.



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