H A P P Y  N E W  Y E A R!!!

another year is done with, but even bigger than that – we’ve gotten through a strange decade.

i’ve learned so much about myself in the past 10 years. making a big move to a big new city, not knowing anyone. meeting people and forging new friendships. winning and losing along the way. i am the same girl, but i’m not. change is just inevitable…


i’m wiser…
having made poor decisions and not trusting my instincts, i’ve realized my gut (although not as toned as i want it) – holds a lot of power.

i’m tougher…
i’ve made it through extreme hard times and seen too much to let anything hold me down. words and people can only hurt you if you allow them too. besides, someone else always has it harder than you.

i’m calmer…
as each day passes i get more comfortable with the philosophy of “let it be”. you can’t expect people to do certain things and you can’t expect anything to go as you planned. the beauty in that (once you get used to it) is you feel free. less focused on what things “should be” and more open to what will be…

i’m happier…
in the past year it seems a line was drawn in my life and certain people (who i had a gut feeling about) were unmasked as foes. it only tightened existing friendships and made me more secure with myself. i’m grateful for the people in my life who have been there for me, through thick and thin. even for those who’s presence proved to be negative, i still wish you well. life is too short to be angry, besides – karma is a bitch and everything done in the dark (eventually) comes to light.


what have you guys accomplished or how have you improved in the past year/decade?

*ME circa 2001 (when i was stretching my lobes. peep the size zero grommets and the tragus piercing)

Posted in BLOG


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